WZUM Spring Action

For WZUM listeners in Pittsburgh, you may have noticed occasional problems with the signal of 101.1 FM, especially when the temperature gets above freezing. Now that the weather has finally turned upward, temperature-wise, the signal problems are consistently worse.

This is the result of some unexpected problems with water in the antenna system which developed over the winter which need to be permanently repaired. Given the nature of the problem, the signal for 101.1 FM has been good on very cold days, but diminished on warm, sunny days. There's some sort of metaphor in that, but from a practical standpoint, it just needs to be fixed. 

Our suppliers and contractors have been very helpful in getting this resolved, but to make the “fix” permanent, our tower crew needs warm, dry weather, and the time to make the climb, plus we have to coordinate with all the other stations that use the same tower. Soon.

The parts are in hand, and we have a crew looking for a good date, very soon, to do all the coordination needed to make the repair. We apologize for the diminished service, and are grateful for your patience.


WZUM will be having a fundraiser in May. A traditional on-air fundraiser to encourage support and pay the now day-to-day bills. If you want to count your pledge in early, or If you’ve ever thought about making a special gift - especially to CHALLENGE other listeners to join in as supporters? That would be terrific.  

We’ll have a phone line up for pledges, too, but for now, click on the “DONATE” button to help make some public radio magic.


Photo WZUM

Photo WZUM

We are thankful that you’ve discovered and spent time with us at WZUM. Please, tell a friend, a neighbor or even that friendly person next to you at the coffee shop about WZUM.  

Word of mouth is one of the most powerful ways there is to spread the word about this new public radio service. Jazz is back on the air, everyday and night in Pittsburgh on WZUM. Please help pass the good word along!

Thanks for listening to WZUM AM, FM and online at WZUM.ORG. 

The Pittsburgh Jazz Channel.  Welcome Home!

photo WZUM

photo WZUM